The credit card on file will be charged on the day of, or 1 day before delivery for the full amount of a fillup. The final amount will be adjusted to reflect the actual number of gallons delivered. The driver will leave a meter-certified receipt in your mailbox. Refunds will be automatically processed and you’ll receive the funds back on your card within 3-7 business days.
2. Price
The price charged will be the posted price at the time of delivery. Prices are always posted and updated on dominofuel.com
3. Delivery Timeframes
There are no available timeframes for heating oil deliveries, all deliveries are completed on a route and we cannot accommodate any special requests for delivery times.
4. Cancellations
If you’d like to cancel your automatic delivery, you must send an email to info@dominofuel.com at least 2 weeks before your next delivery is scheduled.
If a delivery is attempted at your property unsuccessfully (including but not limited to no access to fill pipe, gates locked, unsafe fuel storage tank) there will be $50 minimum delivery fee.
5. Customer Support
All support requests will be handled through our support desk, to open a support ticket please send an email to info@dominofuel.com